对于输送带的维护从两个方面入手 |
添加时间:2021/9/11 15:18:33 浏览次数: |
对于输送带的维护从两个方面入手 Maintenance of conveyor belt starts from two aspects 1、输送带本身,选择产品的时候要注意质量的问题,选择质量可靠的产品,然后就是产品的使用以及维护。维护不到位的话,假化粪池模具 精密铸造 钢纤维 盐水注射机 风电基础模具 nsk轴承经销商 nsk轴承总代理 保定空调移机如平时正常使用能用一年,维护不到位可能就几个月,如果维护的好,可以使用几年等都是有可能的。 1. Conveyor belt itself, when choosing products, we should pay attention to quality issues, select products with reliable quality, and then the use and maintenance of products. If the maintenance is not in place, if the normal use can be used for one year, the maintenance may not be in place for several months, if the maintenance is good, it can be used for several years and so on. 2、搭配使用的产品,托辊以及输送机这样的辅助使用的,这样的产品需要便于磨损,焊接,辅助的东西制作好了,就会相对来说好的多。 2. Matching products, supporting rollers and conveyors, such as auxiliary use, such products need to be easy to wear, welding, auxiliary things made, will be relatively much better. |
上一页 结构及加工方法与普通输送带大致相同 |
下一页 环形输送带是指平型输送带生产完成后 |
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