耐高温输送带使用注意事项 |
添加时间:2018/7/5 17:23:45 浏览次数: |
耐高温输送带使用注意事项 Precautions for the use of high temperature resistant conveyer belt 随着输送带在工业生产中的普及,多品种、高性能、轻量化、多功能、长寿命是生产商关注的几个方面。在工业生产中,正确的使用输送带显得尤其重要,输送带在使用中应注意以下事项: With the popularization of conveyor belts in industrial production, many varieties, high performance, lightweight, multi-function and long life are the concerns of manufacturers. In industrial production, the correct use of conveyor belts is particularly important. 1.避免托辊被物料覆盖,造成回转不灵,防止漏料卡于滚筒与胶带之间,注意输送带活动部分的润滑, 但不得油污输送带; 1. prevent the roller from being covered by material, cause no turning, prevent leakage between the roller and tape, pay attention to the lubrication of the active part of the conveyer belt, but not the oil contaminated belt. 2.防止输送带负荷启动; 2. to prevent the load starting from the conveyor belt. 3.输送带发生跑偏,应及时采取措施纠正; 3. belt deviation should be corrected in time. 4.发现输送带局部破损时,应用人造棉及时修补,以免扩大; 4. when the conveyor belt is partially damaged, the artificial cotton should be repaired in time to avoid expansion. 5.避免输送带遭受机架,支柱或块状物料的阻滞,防止碰破扯裂。 5. avoid the conveyor belt from being blocked by rack, pillar or lump material to prevent breaking. |
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